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Capnella sp

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Quick Facts

WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) and fully conditioned, ready for life in your reef aquarium!

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Quick Stats is designed to provide a general guideline on the level of care required for coral species. The level of care differs across coral species considerably, and even most experienced hobbyist would agree that successfully maintaining any type of coral over the long-term requires skills and diligence.

 – EASY: 

No corals (or any aquarium animals) are indestructible. However, species in this category are able to tolerate less than perfect water conditions.  Most species in this category do not have special feeding requirements

If you are a beginner hobbyist or after something that requires lower maintenance we recommend corals in this category.


The species in this category demand a bit more attention than those that are considered “Easy” to care for. Some of these species may have special feeding, lighting, or water flow requirements and may require water conditions closer to those found in nature.


Species that fall into this category demand a high level of attention. Many of these species require stable water parameters and may have specific flow and lighting requirements. We recommend that these species should only be added to mature, well-established aquarium systems and suited to more experienced hobbyists.

Lighting is a vital component in a reef aquarium.  Without it, organisms would not be able to produce the energy needed to sustain themselves.  Different corals prefer and thrive under different light intensities.

 – LOW:

Corals that fall into this category include non-photosynthetic species, species that originate in the deep parts of the reef, from turbid waters or ones that grow underneath overhangs and ledges.


Corals that fall into this category are able to live and thrive in darker corners or more shaded areas of an otherwise well-lit tank.


Moderate lighting represents the lighting requirements of a large number of the corals offered. Corals that fall into this category are very flexible in regards to their lighting conditions. For example, they can be placed at the top of an aquarium with low to moderate lighting, or at the middle to bottom of aquariums with high lighting.


Species that fall into this category are able to live and thrive in the more well lit areas on an aquarium.  Whilst corals in this category can tolerate higher light, should not be placed directly under your lighting fixture.


Most of the corals in this category originate from the shallow, pristine waters of the reef. They demand intense lighting and high flow.


These recommendations for lighting intensities are general due to the variations in aquarium setups and vast range of LED/T5 lighting brands and models available.

Keep in mind that the selection of species compatible to your aquarium is not only limited by your particular lighting system. For example, if your aquarium system provides high light conditions, a species that requires low lighting can still be incorporated into the aquarium by placing it near the bottom of the aquarium and out of direct light.

Use these guidelines when choosing the species for your aquarium and most importantly monitor the health of the corals. Light intensities change dramatically throughout the same aquarium, so moving the specimens to a different location in the aquarium may become necessary. It is important to allow the organism to adjust to the new location and lighting conditions prior to making judgment on its health.

The ideal placement of the coral within the aquarium is highly dependent on both its lighting and water flow requirements.  The bottom areas of an aquarium usually have lower light and water flow, where as the top of the tank has high light and water flow.  Generally, SPS corals thrive at the top of the tank, LPS (with some exceptions) in the middle and soft corals towards the bottom.


Corals placed at the bottom of the tank thrive in lower flow and partially shaded areas. They can be placed on your sand bed or perhaps under a ledge.  We recommend that they get some light, but don’t need as much as other corals to live and grow.


Corals in this category can be housed anywhere in the lower half of the aquarium. This area of the aquarium is ideal for species that require “low to moderate” water flow and lighting conditions.


The middle of the aquarium is ideal for corals that enjoy “moderate” water flow and lighting. 


Corals in this category can be housed anywhere in the upper half of the aquarium. This area of the aquarium is ideal for species that require “moderate to high” water flow and lighting conditions.

 – TOP: 

The top of the aquarium should be reserved for corals that prefer “high” light conditions as well as “high” water flow conditions.


Corals listed as “anywhere” are adaptable and can be placed anywhere within the aquarium with confidence.  These corals will thrive regardless of whether they are in “low”, “moderate” or “high” lighting and water flow.  


The lighting chosen for the aquarium will ultimately determine both the species suitable for the aquarium, as well as their placement within the aquarium. Species with “Moderate” Light requirements may be housed in an aquarium with lighting that falls into the “Low” category, as long as these species are located at the top of the aquarium. The same holds true for incorporating low light loving species into a brightly lit aquarium. These species will simply need to be placed lower in the aquarium.

Monitor the health of all species in their new location and allow time before determining if a different position within the aquarium is necessary. It is important not to move these organisms too frequently, as it will stress them out.

Water flow and current is one of the most important components of operating a successful aquarium. Many corals require different amounts of water movement to feed, expel waste and protect territory. The recommendations that we have provided reflect the conditions that corals are subjected to in nature, and the conditions that will maximise their health in a reef aquarium.

Generally, you will know if your flow is too high when one side of the coral looks like its being pulled back and is drawn tight to the skeleton all of the time. If this sort of flow isn’t adjusted, it can cause the coral to die as the tissue will rub against the skeleton causing damage.

– LOW:

Species that require low water movement are often those that inflate their bodies to maximise light exposure and nutrient collection. These specimens should only receive gentle, indirect water movement.


Most soft and LPS corals will do best in a low to medium flow aquarium. The water flow provided should always be indirect to ensure that the corals are not damaged due to receding or “bail out”. Corals in this category appreciate enough flow to keep itself clean and free from detritus build-up, algae or other debris.


Species in this category prefer a low to moderate range of flow. The water flow provided should always be indirect to ensure that the corals are not damaged due to receding or “bail out”. Wavemakers can be used to generate flow and provide indirect currents – this can be achieved by directing the wave makers towards a side of the aquarium, or towards a solid object within the aquarium, such as live rock.


Species in this category prefer a “moderate to high” level of flow.


Corals that require this type of water movement within the aquarium typically come from shallow, turbulent parts of the reef such as Acropora. Such extremes in alternating currents allow the coral to effectively expel wastes and to gather food essential to their well-being. This type of water flow should be provided in the aquarium by using wave makers. It is important to monitor the health of the individual coral and its reaction to both direct and indirect water movement. Be sure to alter the flow or the position of the corals as needed.

Although the reef may seem like a tranquil and peaceful place, there is endless warfare between corals. Most corals possess both offensive and defensive strategies that they use to protect their area within the aquarium, and to overtake new areas of the reef for future growth. There are a few ways in which corals combat one another, these include nematocysts (stinging cells); mesenterial filaments (the inside guts of a coral expelled); mucous coat (coral coats their body with mucous) and chemical warfare (corals secreting compounds in the water, slowly poisoning everything around it).

It is important to understand the capabilities of each individual coral when determining its suitability and placement within the aquarium.


Species within this category do not pose a real threat towards neighboring corals, except for the possibility of over-growing them. “Peaceful” corals do not possess any stinging cells, and do not release chemicals to ward off their neighbours. However, under the right conditions, they can grow rapidly and block light from neighbouring corals. This situation is often very easy to rectify simply by trimming or fragging the coral back and allowing room for its neighbours.


Within this category of dominance are species that possess a potent sting or chemical toxin that will affect their neighbouring corals. These species are still considered “Semi-Aggressive” since they will not reach out to great lengths to pose an offensive attack. When placing Semi-Aggressive species in your aquarium, be sure to take into account the fully expanded size of the coral and provide extra room for growth. Continue to monitor the reaction of neighbouring species and be prepared to move one or the other if there proves to be incompatibilities.


Species within this category can cause considerable harm to neighbouring corals, and plenty of space should be provided for their placement. For example, some corals have sweeper tentacles that contain a very potent sting. In some cases, corals can stretch sweeper tentacles over a large distance in order to attack their neighbours. Other “Aggressive” species may not have long sweeper tentacles, or may not possess them at all, but can inflict similar degree of physical or chemical damage. Caution needs to be exercised and provide plenty of room for growth when incorporating these corals into the aquarium.

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