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Canary Blenny

Please Note: Due to variations within species, your item may not look identical to the image provided. Approximate size range may also vary between individual specimen.

Meiacanthus oualanensis

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Quick Stats

The Canary Blenny is a solid vibrant yellow. 

This blenny needs a minimum tank of 100 litres with live rock for hunting and grazing in order to thrive. It is best to keep only one per tank unless a breeding pair is maintained. If attacked by other fish, the Canary Blenny will retaliate by biting the inside of the mouth of the attacker. The Canary Blenny is considered venomous and should be kept only with caution around children having tank access since it may perceive fingers as an attacker and deliver a similarly painful bite.

The diet of the Canary Blenny should consist of finely chopped crustacean flesh, mysis and brine shrimp as well as frozen herbivore preparations.

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