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Reef Revolution Fish Nutrition+


Fish Nutrition + boosts fish immune system to fight off diseases and parasites, reduces oxidative stress, accelerates healing of wounds, growth and many metabolic processes.

Fish Nutrition + is a concentrated blend of proteins, amino acids, vitamins, carbohydrates, fatty acids, beta-glucans, garlic & antioxidants designed for ornamental fish for both marine and freshwater environments. Fish Nutrition + boosts fish immune system to fight off diseases and parasites, reduces oxidative stress, accelerates healing of wounds, growth and many metabolic processes.


Add 1 drop to each block of frozen food, allow to soak for 5 minutes then add to your aquarium. Always screw dropper back on so the product does not become contaminated.


Protein, Amino acids, Vitamins, Carbohydrates, Fatty acids, Beta-glucans, Garlic & Antioxidants.


Not for human consumption Aquarium use only.
Keep out of reach of children and pets.


Keep out of direct sunlight.
Always secure cap on.

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